Our children are going to look up to us, whether we like it or not. It might be a funny thing to say, but some parents actually feel a real sense of pressure from the fact that their children rely on them so much, and look up to them.
Half of the traits you have as a person, your children will have too, and that all comes from them watching you over the years, and showing them what life is all about. As your little baby grows into a little human, we can feel that sense of pressure to make sure that we succeed in life, so that our children can one day succeed as well.
We really do set an example, especially in the world that we’re living in today.
There are so many bad influences around us, and social media doesn’t help with what our children think life should be like.
Inspiring our children through our own achievements may help spur them on, and make your life so much better!
Little Lifestyle Changes
There will be so many lifestyle changes that you can make, even if we’re thinking about the smallest of things, like changing your attitude towards things.
When you have kids, it’s ever so important to make sure you’re leading a good lifestyle, with a bit of health and wealth sprinkled in along the way.
We’re not saying that you have to go all out salad eating and running every night, but you most likely need to make a few changes.
Now, you might be wondering how this would be an achievement?
Well, for those of you who have tried to live a healthy normal lifestyle, you will know how hard it is.
But your kids will pick up on this, and pick up on the traits that you have.
If you’re feeding the kids a nutritious breakfast every day, but only eating a breakfast bar yourself, it’s showing them the wrong way to start the day, and as soon as they get into their teenage years, they most definitely will start copying this.
So even simple little things, like making sure that you’re eating a good breakfast with them in the morning to set an example, or walking to a group or class rather than taking the car if it’s not too far, it’s little things like this that can be classed as achievements, because for some of us, this will totally be out of the ordinary from what we’re used to doing!
Self-care doesn’t tend to be mothers strongest traits, but it’s essential for modeling healthy behaviour.
Giving Something Back To The Community
This is an ideal way to showcase an excellent example to our kids, especially in the current political climate.
Giving back to the community is not only going to show your kids respect and goodwill, but it’s also going to massively help the people around you.
There are so many different ways that we could support our communities, but one of the issues that seriously needs tackling is homelessness, and it’s an issue that kids are going to grow up surrounded by.
People on the streets have complicated backgrounds and stories. Often people worry about handing homeless people money, so why not try some of these tips to help the homeless in your community.
Hopefully, then it makes your kids more aware of the issues going on around them and helps develop compassion for others around them.
Retraining To Move To A New Job
Moving to a new job is a big thing, there’s no denying that, especially after maternity leave or years spent on home education.
If you’re not happy at work and constantly complaining about it, children grow up hearing all negative stories about work all of the time, knowing that one day they’re going to be going to do the same thing.
To help them have a healthy attitude towards work, and to show them how strong and motivated you have to be to get achieve your goals, why not do something radical and change careers?
Often this will require retraining, but if you find that motivation from within, and move towards your dream career, you really are doing something for everyone, specially yourself and your kids.
I sometimes think of nursing, because my mother was a nurse and she found it very fulfilling. It’s such a rewarding career, and your kids will look up to you if they know you’ve gone back into education and training to get there.
A career like this will require lifelong work and education, but if you have a look into the DNP or MSN courses, you will see how you can work your way up, and how much you’re going to be able to achieve!
But of course, this is just one career idea there are tons more out there that would truly make you an inspiration to your kids, especially if your career is also your passion!
Amazing Sports Achievements
Don’t worry, we’re not expecting you to join a team to do a sport you have no desire for, just to try and set an example for your kids.
ou could, however, have short term goals, like a marathon or a charity run. It’s still sports, and you will still have to train for it if you don’t want to be dying a death halfway through.
Plus, you could even get your kids involved with something like this, and turn it into a whole family event!
It would be so cool if you could all do something together, that would help you to raise money for a charity of some sort!
But these things aren’t easy, especially if you go for something like a marathon, or a mountain climb, hike or other fundraising activity.
It really will set the bar high for your family, and boy, will it make them proud.
Getting Over Your Fears & Insecurities
Now, this is a big one that a lot of us struggle with. We all have insecurities and fears, and sometimes it’s not easy to hide these.
But the thing is, your kids are going to pick up on all of them, and it can actually impact their lives.
Take something silly, like the common fear of flying. The same applies to so many things, especially insecurities.
If your kids see that you love yourself, and you love the world, it’s going to make them grow up with such a beneficial attitude.
We don’t want them to grow up thinking they have to be the same as everyone else, or they’ll feel different.
We want them to grow up knowing that they can be whoever they want to be, and that’s fine!
Our self-esteem rubs off on our children. Make sure what they see is positive.
So, I hope after reading this, you feel a little bit more confident in the ways that you can show your children how great you are, and how great they can be.
We should always be looking for ways to better ourselves in life, and we think these are good ways to start!